MConsultingPrep 2024 Update for Products and Shop

At 03:00 UTC, 6th May 2024, MConsultingPrep will implement a major update that will affect many products in the shop.

So, what changes are we talking about?

  • Introduce new McKinsey and BCG bundles, allowing customers to choose to purchase varying numbers of mock tests instead of having to buy everything at once.

  • Re-introduce old but totally relevant and helpful courses to enhance candidates' training, namely the PST and the Potential Test mock tests.

  • Change the prices of courses and bundles related to McKinsey and BCG packages.


Changes to McKinsey Solve Simulation

New McKinsey Solve bundles will divide practice tests in McKinsey Redrock Simulation into smaller courses. The smaller packages are more suitable if you have a small budget or a short preparation window. 

Let’s start with the two new McKinsey bundles.

McKinsey Solve Lite

This bundle price is $200. It has: 

  • Ecosystem Guide & Simulation (2024 Update)

  • Redrock Guide & Simulation (2024 Update)

  • 3 Redrock Practice Tests

  • Plant Defense Guide & Simulation

McKinsey Solve Basic 

This bundle price is $229. It has: 

  • Ecosystem Guide & Simulation (2024 Update)

  • Redrock Guide & Simulation (2024 Update)

  • 10 Redrock Practice Tests

  • Plant Defense Guide & Simulation

Price changes for existing McKinsey bundles

The McKinsey All-in-One and McKinsey Comprehensive Package bundles will have the same content as before but will change prices. 

  • McKinsey Solve All-in-One will be sold at $249. 

  • McKinsey Comprehensive Package will be sold at $649. 


Changes to BCG Casey Simulation

In those new BCG Casey Simulation bundles, practice tests will be divided into smaller courses. The smaller packages will be more suitable if you have a small budget or a short preparation window.

Let’s start with the two new BCG bundles.

BCG Casey Lite

This bundle price is $130. It has: 

  • Casey Guide & Simulation (2024 Update)

  • Three Casey Practice Tests

BCG Casey Basic

This bundle price is $169. It has: 

  • Casey Guide & Simulation (2024 Update)

  • Ten Casey Practice Tests

Price changes for existing BCG bundles

The BCG Casey All-in-One and BCG Comprehensive Package bundles will have the same content as before but will change prices. 

  • The BCG Casey All-in-One will be sold at $179 (For now) 

  • BCG Comprehensive Package will be sold at $599 (For now)

Why are those prices “For now”?

We are working hard to create eight new Casey practice tests in the next two months, which we will include in the BCG Casey All-in-One and BCG Comprehensive Package. 

The price for these two bundles will be higher when we release those new practice tests. If you purchase the All-in-One package now, you will be granted access to the new cases FOR FREE.


Re-introduce McKinsey PST and BCG Potential Test courses 

After receiving reports and requests from customers, we decided to re-introduce three “old but gold” courses:

Two for McKinsey PST test…

  • PST By Case

  • PST By Type

… and one for the BCG Potential Test

  • BCG Potential Test Comprehensive

These products are re-introduced because we received reports that, in some rare instances, candidates are asked to take the PST and Potential Test and because these tests are pretty similar to the Bain HireVue tests used in East Asian / SEA offices.

Price changes for MBB All-Tests Combo Package

The new price for the MBB All-Tests Combo Package is $609.00.

This price accommodates the re-introduction of three products in this package and the changes with our McKinsey and BCG products.


For purchases before 03:00 UTC, 6th May 2024

From 03:00 UTC, 6th May 2024, the current McKinsey Redrock Study and BCG Casey Simulation courses will be called the “Legacy Version”. They will no longer exist in the shop, but all users who purchased them will retain access, and it will still be updated along with the new courses and bundles. 

Users who had purchased these “legacy” versions will have access to all future updates and additions to these products.

For purchases around this period, please refer to the “Caution for users” section below. 

Caution for users

If you encounter problems during and after the update (such as losing access to previously purchased materials), please contact MConsultingPrep’s customer service at [email protected].

Please attach the screenshot, description of the problem (so our technical team can resolve it faster), and your receipt (so we can manually grant you access to the lost products).