File a refund request

How does it work?

Three simple steps:

1. You submit to us a refund request using the form below.

2. Your request will be reviewed in 1-3 business days after its submissions, after which we will send you an email to keep you posted.

3. If the request is accepted, we will reimburse the requested amount. The process might take anywhere from 2-10 business days, depending on PayPal's procedure.

Under what circumstances are you eligible for a refund?

50% refund

Partial Refund

- Failed test / interview: If you get a rejection from your intended consulting firms after using our products, you are eligible for a 50% refund.

- Dissatisfaction, 7-15 days from purchase: If you are dissatisfied with our products and your purchase had been made between 7-15 days before the refund request, you are eligible for a 50% refund.

100% refund

Full Refund

- Large differences vs. actual test / interview: If you encounter a wholly / largely different test and interview (e.g.: a completely new test) than what is described in our product, you are eligible for a 100% refund.

- Dissatisfaction, < 7 days from purchase: If you are dissatisfied with our products and your purchase had been made within 7 days before the refund request, you are eligible for a 100% refund.

Other information

Refund amount & conversion rates:
The refund amount will be calculated based on your final payment (the amount you paid after using coupons, etc.) in US dollars ($). The actual amound that you receive might fluctuate slightly due to changes in conversion rates between the purchase date and the refund date.

Access after refund:
In all refund cases, we will revoke your access to the refunded course.

Refund constraints:
The refund policy does not cover the coaching packages.

Refund request form

Sign in

Pleaseto fill in the form

Your Name*

Your Email*

Select the product you want refunded*

Choose a product

If you choose to refund a course within a bundle, the refund amount will be equal to that course's contribution to the bundle's original price (before bundle discount).

State your refund reason*

Choose a reason

Leave your feedback