How Does McKinsey PSG Solver Help Your Practice?

Stuck on the tricky Ecosystem Building part of the McKinsey Solve Game/PSG? Solver, a super-fast and accurate web-based tool, is here to help

This article provides a comprehensive guide on using the Solver on Hacking Mckinsey Solve platform - our trusted partner. Besides, it also clears up common misunderstandings and suggests helpful tips to get the most out of this powerful tool. 

So, if you want to ace the McKinsey PSG quickly and accurately, this guide is a great place to start!


McKinsey Ecosystem Building Game

McKinsey Ecosystem Building game is part of the McKinsey Solve Game (also known as Problem Solving Game - PSG), which is a common assessment used by McKinsey & Company to hire new talents.

In this game, you need to choose eight different animals and plants that can all live together. It's all about making sure the ecosystem can survive. The challenge is a fun way to show off your thinking and how well you can plan things.

Ecosystem building simulation (Source: MConsultingPrep)


McKinsey PSG Solver Overview

A web-based tool to solve Ecosystem Building

McKinsey PSG Solver is a special assistant to help you ace the Ecosystem Building game. Unlike an Excel sheet, which you need to download and use offline on the computer, Solver is a web-based tool, meaning you can access it from any internet browser.

It can automatically calculate and show you the best possible outcome for your ecosystem. So, if you're worried about figuring out the right balance of food and animals, this solver can quickly check if your food chain works.

A fast, accurate and automated solution

PSG Solver tool offers several great benefits. First, it's really fast - you can crack the game in less than 15 minutes. Furthermore, the tool is still super accurate because it uses advanced algorithms to find the best strategies based on the game’s rules.

Basically, it makes things easier for you by doing a lot of the hard thinking automatically. You don’t have to use a lot of brainpower and can save your mental energy for other parts of the game.

Three benefits of PSG Solver


Step-by-step guide to McKinsey PSG Solver

There are several services available that can help you prepare for the McKinsey PSG. However, for better clarity, this article focuses specifically on the instructions for using Hacking McKinsey Solve as an example.

Step-by-step guide to PSG Solver

Step 1: Define group

For any Ecosystem game, you'll see 39 species, including 30 animals and 9 producers. 

Your first step is to divide them into three groups, each has 10 animals and 3 producers. The key is to base on how deep or high they like to live (depth/elevation range) and what temperature they prefer. 

After that, you'll need to input the data about their environment into the system, as the picture below:

Step 1: Define groups (Source: Hacking McKinsey Solve)

Step 2: Find the best group

After separating the species into three groups, we will begin inputting data for producers because they don't need to eat anything to stay alive and just give calories for other animals to eat.

Once you write the name of each producer for each group, you'll then fill in the "Calories Provided" row with how much food they provide. 

In the "Eaten By" row, you'll mark if they can be eaten by animals or not. If no animal eats them, you choose "Empty". If at least one animal can eat them, choose "Not Empty".

Data input for producers (Source: Hacking Mckinsey Solve)

After that, the tool will help you decide which group to focus on first by calculating the "Total effective calories provided" for each group. This column tells us how much food is available based on what the producers give and whether animals can eat it. 

Groups’ rankings (Source: Hacking McKinsey Solve)

Step 3: Build the food chain

Once you've chosen which group to work on, you'll start by entering the information for the animals in that group. 

Just like with the producers, you'll input the name of each animal and their “Calories Provided”. You'll also note how much food each animal needs to survive (Calories Needed) because they have to eat other species. 

Data input for animals in group B (Source: Hacking McKinsey Solve)

Then, you'll select the food sources for the animals by marking the table, similar to the picture shown. 

Food sources for animals (Source: Hacking McKinsey Solve)

After you've made sure all your information is right, our tool will figure out the best outcomes automatically.

Suggested combinations by Solver (Source: Hacking McKinsey Solve)

In case the result is not what you want, you can go back and build the food chain with the other groups.


Misunderstandings of PSG Solver

Misunderstandings of Solver

Guaranteed success

Some people think that you will definitely pass the McKinsey Solve Game with the help of Solver. However, it's important to understand that this is just a tool to help you prepare better. 

While it can increase your chances of success, it doesn't guarantee success on its own. Success still depends on how well you optimize the tool - like putting in accurate data and understanding the game's rules

Substitute for learning problem-solving skills

Relying only on the Solver might be a trap for some candidates. While it is a fantastic tool to prepare for the McKinsey PSG, it shouldn't replace developing your problem-solving skills.

Don't forget, the McKinsey Solve has more than just ecosystems to tackle – you've also got the Red Rock Study Game to conquer!


Tips to maximize benefits of PSG Solver

Tips to maximize benefits of Solver

Familiarize yourself with Solver

To get the most out of the PSG Solver, it's important to dive in and get familiar with it well before your test.

First, make sure you understand how the game works. You can do this by studying the game's rules thoroughly. 

Also, take advantage of any available practice data sets. You can find the free data set on Hacking Mckinsey Solve.

Moreover, practice using the tool accurately before gradually trying to speed up. You can begin without a time limit, then gradually challenge yourself to finish under 30 minutes, then 20 minutes, and eventually even 15 minutes or less.

The more you practice with the tool, the more confident and proficient you'll become at solving ecosystems. It's best to start practicing with the Solver at least a month before your actual McKinsey Solve test.

Complement Solver use with other study methods

When you're using the PSG Solver tool, it's a good idea to mix it up with other study methods.

One helpful method is practicing basic math. This means doing calculations without the Solver tool, so you really understand how everything works.

Another tip is to try the McKinsey PSG Simulation test. This gives you a chance to practice the game in a similar way to the real thing. It helps you get used to the format and builds your confidence. 

Learn to interpret results after running Solver

After the Solver finishes, take some time to analyze what it shows you. This will help you understand the "why" behind building a strong ecosystem in the game. 

By understanding how the Solver solves the problem, you'll gain valuable insights into the game's logic and how to make smart choices on your own. 


Practice source to ace Mckinsey Solve Game

Ecosystem Building Solver

Do you want to try the most accurate Solver in the market? With Hacking McKinsey Solve, you can solve ecosystem puzzles like a pro.

Plus, here's the best part: you can practice for FREE with their practice data sets! And if you're not completely satisfied, no worries! They've got your back with a 50% refund guarantee.

McKinsey PSG Simulation

Our simulation is like the real test, featuring all three mini-games you'll likely face: Ecosystem Building, RedRock, and Plant Defense.

In Ecosystem Building, you'll have access to over 150 species. You can opt for a mode that replicates the actual test experience or simply practice in a more relaxed setting.

For RedRock, there are 20 tests (~300 questions) covering various topics to help you practice within a timed environment. MConsultingPrep has recently released a McKinsey Solve free trial, you can give it a try to experience the simulation of the real Redrock tests.

Feeling lost? No problem! This simulation also provides clear and detailed instructions to help you every step of the way on your PSG journey.

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