Sova Assessments: Overview and Practice Questions (2024)

Sova assessments are widely used in the pre-employment testing process of many big accounting firms. Without proper preparation, you may struggle to achieve a qualified score in your next Sova assessments.

Let’s learn more about the test structure and its question types in our below article and see how you can ace your next Sova test!

What is Sova?

Sova is a UK-based test publisher that provides companies and businesses with a wide range of hiring assessments and tools for screening candidates. The test provider specializes in creating data-based psychometric assessments, personality tests, and video interview solutions.

The most common type of Sova assessment that you might encounter during your application process is the blended assessment. It is a mixture of different single tests that include numerical, verbal, and logical reasoning, alongside personality questions. This blended assessment is often available upon Sova's client requests for a specific role and organization.


Sova assessments on cognitive ability

Sova aptitude tests include four pillar assessments that measure candidates’ different cognitive abilities. Four assessments include the following:

  • Sova verbal reasoning test
  • Sova numerical reasoning test
  • Sova logical reasoning test
  • Sova learnability test

Sova verbal reasoning test

Sova verbal reasoning tests measure how quickly and accurately candidates can process novel verbal information and use that information to draw correct conclusions.

The test is used for hiring positions that involve tasks requiring making sense of large amounts of written information, such as interpreting written reports, or documents.

Sova numerical reasoning test

Sova numerical reasoning test measures how quickly and accurately candidates can work with numerical information and use that information to answer the question.

The test is used for hiring positions that involve tasks requiring the analysis and interpretation of numerical data, such as working with graphs, and budgets, and making calculations.

Sova logical reasoning test

Sova logical reasoning test evaluates how quickly and accurately candidates can process novel abstract information (i.e identifying a sequence of patterns).

The test is used in the screening process for positions that involve tasks requiring the ability to work with abstract information or data, such as in programming or sciences. 

Sova learnability test

Sova learnability test is used to measure candidates' ability to learn. The test requires applicants to observe data, identify and learn the underlying patterns, and apply such learning to solve given problems.

Candidates are presented with interconnected multiple-choice questions and they have to draw on what they figure out previously to answer the next questions using words, numbers, and symbols. 


Other Sova assessments

Alongside the Sova aptitude test packages, the test publisher also releases two more types of tests for screening candidates. These two tests include:

  • Sova situational judgment test
  • Sova pre-employment personality test

Sova situational judgment test

This Sova test evaluates how job applicants react to certain scenarios that they are likely to encounter in their future roles. Companies and businesses use the test as a tool to predict the fitting level of an individual with the position he is applying to. 

Scenarios presented in the test can be in the form of imagery, video, or animation. In response to each scenario, candidates must choose answers indicating “most effective" and “least effective" reactions from four existing statements.

It's important to note that your responses should be based only on the information provided. You also should not assume any prior knowledge of the scenarios described.

The scenarios in the situational judgment assessment will escalate depending on how each candidate responds, imitating real-life situations where actions carry consequences. 

Sova pre-employment personality test

Sova personality test for employment offers organizations and companies a testing method that goes beyond the CV and helps them understand better their candidates' preferences at work.

The test is based on the HEXACO model - companies can get to know their candidates in terms of how these individuals interact with others, organize themselves, approach problems, and how they manage their emotions at work.

Sova provides focused and user-friendly reports for candidates, hiring managers, and internal talent that can be mapped against each company's talent framework for forming insightful hiring decisions. 


Sova assessment question examples

Sova verbal reasoning questions

Supermarkets will need to consider how they might better engage with their consumers online. A recent survey of four-thousand internet users has shown that despite year-on-year growth in online retail sales, the growth in online grocery shopping is set to decline over the next five years. Nearly two-thirds of survey respondents reported an issue with an online grocery shop which included complaints regarding receipt of damaged goods, missing items, and unwanted substitutes. Almost 50% of older respondents, aged 50 and above reported having never bought groceries online and having no desire to do so in the future.

Source: Sova Assessments

Question 1: Most complaints about online grocery shopping concern unwanted substitutes.

A. True
B. False
C. Cannot say

Answer: Cannot say


The passage mentions, “Nearly two-thirds of survey respondents reported an issue with an online grocery shop which included complaints regarding receipt of damaged goods, missing items, and unwanted substitutes”.

Here we can understand that the majority of the respondents (not the complaints) reported problems related to online grocery shop. The problems were damaged goods, missing items, and unwanted substitutes.

Unwanted substitutes was listed among problems being reported but it is not mentioned the proportion of complaints relating to it. Therefore, the answer is “Cannot Say”.

Question 2: The majority of older respondents have no interest in buying groceries online

A. True
B. False
C. Cannot say

Answer: False

Explanation: The passage says, “Almost 50% of older respondents, aged 50 and above reported having never bought groceries online and having no desire to do so in the future.”

Here we can locate the information as the phrase “having never bought” and “having no desire” has similar meaning to “have no interest”. However, as it is “almost 50%”, the number of older respondents cannot be considered as the majority. Therefore, the information in the passage contradict with the statement, making it a “False” statement.

Sova numerical reasoning questions

Source: Sova Assessments

Question 1: How many male employees work in the Legal department?

A. 13,640
B. 11,900
C. 14,570
D. 14,625

Answer: D


The total number of male employees working in the Legal department is:
1,965 + 2,510 + 3,980 + 3,445 + 2,725 = 14,625

Therefore, the correct answer is D.

Question 2: What percentage of the 45-54 age group were female?

A. 53%
B. 51%
C. 49%
D. 47%

Answer: A


The total number of male workers in the 45-54 age group is:
3,605 + 3,185 + 3,750 + 3,445 + 3,190 = 17,175
The total number of female workers in the 45-54 age group is:
4,380 + 4,605 + 4,025 + 3,245 + 3,445 = 19,700
The percentage of female employees in the 45-54 group is:
19,700 x 100%/(19,700 + 17,175) = 53.42%

So, the correct answer is A.

Sova logical reasoning questions


Source: Sova Assessments

Answer: The first figure, in the upper-left corner


Elements: There is one element: stars.
Rules: There is one rule: relation.

In each row, the stars in the first and third figures combine together to form the second figure.

So the missing figure must have five stars which is the combination of the first and third figures in that row.

Practice Example:

Source: Sova Assessments

Answer: The second figure, the middle of the first row


Elements: There is one element: lines dividing the circle. 
Rules: There is one rule: quantifiers.

The circle is divided into pies. The proportion of pies over the circle decreases each time: 1 -> 1/2 -> 1/3 -> 1/4.

So for the following figure, the proportion of pie over the circle is 1/5.

Sova situational judgment questions


You work as an advisor in a call center. Two days ago, you took a call from a customer who needed some specialist advice that was outside your area of expertise. At the time, you were unable to find an internal specialist who would be able to help the customer with their query, so promised that you would have someone call them back within 24 hours to help them.

You have just realized that you had been caught up on other calls, and forgot to send a request to the specialist to contact the customer. You have not heard anything more from the customer since they called two days ago.

What do you do?

Question: What is the most effective response in this situation?

A. Immediately call the customer back, explain your mistake, and promise that you will ask a specialist to call them immediately.
B. Add a note to the customer's file saying the query wasn't followed up but the customer has not been in touch, so the need has likely passed.
C. Call the specialist to explain what you have done and apologize to them, but ask whether they could call the customer now.
D. Tell your manager what has happened and ask them to contact the customer to apologize on your behalf and see if they still need the help.


Which companies use Sova assessments?

Sova assessments are widely used for employment screening purposes in big accounting firms such as Bain & Co., KPMG, and Deloitte. The list of companies that also use Sova assessments includes:

  • John Lewis
  • Santander
  • Primark
  • Pfizer
  • British Airways
  • Dubai Retail
  • American Express
  • HSBC

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