TRIPLE your chance in Bain SOVA/SHL-styIe aptitude tests
Boost your passing chance from 30% to 90% with our prep course.
That's a deal worth thousands of dollars,
offered to you at only $125 get yours now and put yourself one step ahead!
Why choose our
Aptitude Tests package?
An all-you-can-eat buffet of exercises
1500+ questions across 4 main types: numerical, verbal, inductive and deductive, as well as all their subtypes. That is more than enough for you in Bain SOVA/SHL tests
Fool-proof, deep-diving guidelines
We deep-dive into the logic of each question type and subtypes, using user-friendly illustrations to make sure you understand them inside out, before delivering practical tips and tricks
Take a look inside
Numerical Reasoning
500+ questions, 2 subtypes: word problem & data interpretation
Detailed answer guide with formula explanations and solutions
Verbal Reasoning
350+ questions, 3 subtypes: verbal analogy, reading comprehension and making inferences
Tackle every confusing word relation and phrase with our detailed answer guides
Deductive (Logical) Reasoning
250+ questions, 3 subtypes: syllogism with quantifiers, ordering & arrangement, and grouping
Tackle confusing deductive logic with our VISUALIZED answer guides
Inductive (Logical) Reasoning
400+ questions, 3 subtypes: figure series, matrix and odd one out
Recognize 7 common inductive pattems and distractors in each question
Ready to learn?
Our Bain Aptitude Tests package is recommended for SOVA-style or SHL-style tests. We advise spending 7-15 days on preparation, using at least 15 sessions for EACH of the 4 main question types
Aptitude Test Package
Guides and simulations for:
Numerical Reasoning
Verbal Reasoning
Deductive (Logical) Reasoning
Inductive (Logical) Reasoning
With free updates in the future
Numerical Reasoning Test
Guides and simulations for:
500+ practice questions
Detailed answer guide
Instructional study plan
Interactive mock tests
With free updates in the future
Verbal Reasoning Test
Guides and simulations for:
350+ practice questions
Detailed answer guide
Instructional study plan
Interactive mock tests
With free updates in the future
Deductive Reasoning Test
Guides and simulations for:
240+ practice questions
Detailed answer guide
Instructional study plan
Interactive mock tests
With free updates in the future
Inductive Reasoning Test
Guides and simulations for:
400+ practice questions
Detailed answer guide
Instructional study plan
Interactive mock tests
With free updates in the future
Not ready yet? Try it out for free
Testimonies and so-called “independent platform reviews” can be forged. We don’t have to do that. We let you try our products, for free. No credit card required.
In our Free Trial, you will gain access to Aptitude Tests Simulation with 100 questions and answer guides (the full version features 1500+ questions).
Is it really worth $125?
Let us calculate the expected return of "not preparing"
A Bain offer is worth around $20,000 per year at the lowest-paying offices, and five times that amount at the highest-paying ones in the EU and North America. So let’s pick the middle number and assume a yearly salary of $60,000.
Each candidate has a 3% chance of getting in (1% at the most competitive settings, and around 5% at the most “laxed” programs and offices).
Once a candidate gets into Bain, they tend to stay there for 2 years on average.
$60,000 x 3% x 2 years = $3,600
Now, what about "prepped" applications?
On average, candidates who have prepared for a test can expect to DOUBLE their chance to pass - especially for tests with clear right and wrong answers, such as Bain Aptitude Tests.
That means their overall pass-rate will double as well, from 3% to 6%.
(In fact, the best-prepared candidates can even TRIPLE their pass-rate, but let’s not use their number because that would be too optimistic).
$60,000 x 6% x 2 years = $7,200
$7,200 (prepped) - $3,600 (unprepped) = $3,600 (value of prep). That means preparing for Bain Aptitude Tests is worth $3,600. And with our Simulation, and your getting it for only $125
You are getting back 29 times what you pay for!
We have financial aid
Shelling out $125 can be pretty daunting - we understand that.
So if you find that in your case, a price tag of $120 is still not very reasonable - be it because you live in a low-income economy, you are under heavy student debt, you have very little time left for preparation, or that you have special financial circumstances…
We offer a program of financial aid.
We accept refunds
If you don't pass the Bain Aptitude Tests and/or you don't find our Simulation up to what we promised, you can apply for a refund. We will refund you either 50% (in which case you can keep your license) or 100% (in which case we have to retract your license).
Even then, less than 3% of our customers ever ask for a refund.
Ready to learn?
Our Bain Aptitude Tests package is recommended for SOVA-style or SHL-style tests. We advise spending 7-15 days on preparation, using at least 15 sessions for EACH of the 4 main question types
Aptitude Test Package
Guides and simulations for:
Numerical Reasoning
Verbal Reasoning
Deductive (Logical) Reasoning
Inductive (Logical) Reasoning
With free updates in the future
Numerical Reasoning Test
Guides and simulations for:
500+ practice questions
Detailed answer guide
Instructional study plan
Interactive mock tests
With free updates in the future
Verbal Reasoning Test
Guides and simulations for:
350+ practice questions
Detailed answer guide
Instructional study plan
Interactive mock tests
With free updates in the future
Deductive Reasoning Test
Guides and simulations for:
240+ practice questions
Detailed answer guide
Instructional study plan
Interactive mock tests
With free updates in the future
Inductive Reasoning Test
Guides and simulations for:
400+ practice questions
Detailed answer guide
Instructional study plan
Interactive mock tests
With free updates in the future
Not ready yet? Use our free contents
It would be a waste not to watch our free contents on Bain Aptitude Tests, even if you are not ready to buy. We don't pay-wall our most important insights-They are on our Youtube for free. Even watching these videos are enough to put yourself significantly ahead of the game.
So, watch our video series. And bookmark our article.
Bain Online Test: Formats, Samples, Guide (2024)
The Bain Online Test is a collection of unrelated pre-interview tests used by Bain & Company, most of which are standardized tests with varying difficulties.
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MConsultingPrep is not part of, or affiliated to, McKinsey & Company, Boston Consulting Group, Bain & Company, or any consulting firm mentioned on this website, or any of the test providers currently or previously worked with aforementioned consulting firms.
All products and services (which include, but are not limited to, interview prep courses, mock tests, test simulations, and resume courses) offered on and its affiliate websites are original products and services developed by MConsultingPrep and its affiliates.
30-day Refund Policy
Within 30 days of purchase, if you find the quality of our materials to be unsatisfactory AND are able to provide specific complaints, you can request a partial, or in some specific cases, up to a full refund. In the case of a failed test, we would only be able to provide you with a refund of up to 50%.
Please note that if the customer simply says "I don't like it" or were looking for something else without legitimate justifications, we CAN NOT proceed a refund.
Please be advised that no refund policy is applicable to products and services provided by coaches.
To claim a refund, please reach out to us at [email protected] with your specific complaints, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please be mindful that with any refund, the license to our products will be retracted.
Downloading and Using Our Products
After purchase, we will send an instruction email which includes payment details and a link to the product page. You can also access the products through the "Downloads" tab on your user dashboard.
All of our E-books are in PDF files protected with passwords, which can be found right next to the download buttons on the product page. All videos are also listed and playable on the product page.
Payment & Pricing
PayPal is the preferred payment method for our customers to send payments online securely using credit cards or bank accounts. If you don't already have an account, PayPal still assists with easy steps.
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