Accenture assessment tests: Overview & How to pass

The Accenture assessment tests are screening tools in the hiring procedure of Accenture and are mostly taken by fresher candidates. These tests consist of standard psychometric, communication, and technical aptitude assessments.

This article will dig deep into what Accenture assessment tests involve with insightful examples. It will also look at the most asked questions about these tests and the best tools to practice for them. 

Overview of the Accenture assessment tests

Accenture assessment tests usually include numerical reasoning, logical reasoning, job simulation, and communication assessment tests. In addition, specific positions in engineering and technical fields also involve technical tests.

It is reported that Accenture uses the CoCubes assessments developed by Aon. Accenture assessment tests are online tests with around 90 questions in total. They have no time limit, but the total time needed is around 60 to 90 minutes


Accenture assessment tests in the hiring process

The assessment tests are a part of the screening rounds of Accenture. Specifically, these tests take place in the second round of the company’s hiring procedure. The complete recruitment process of Accenture is as follows: Online application => Interviews & Online assessments => Offer or Feedback.

Stage 1: Online application

After finding your suitable position at Accenture, you need to create an account on its website to apply. In this round, all you need to do is upload your digital CV/resume and answer some questions about personal information.

Accenture updates open positions on its website regularly, so if you don’t want to miss out on anything, you can subscribe to its newsletter to stay informed.

Stage 2: Interviews & Online assessments

You will get invited to a series of interviews after passing the CV round. These interviews will be taken via phone, video, or in person. This is not only your opportunity to showcase your strengths and abilities but also to learn more about Accenture.

You should also expect to receive online assessment tests in this round. These tests focus on evaluating your aptitudes in regard to cognitive, technical, and communication skills.

Stage 3: Job offer or Feedback

Whether you pass or not, Accenture will contact you back to either extend your offer or give constructive feedback for further application. If you get accepted into Accenture, you can ask the company to have your start date earlier if needed. However, deferring your start date is not possible unless there are special circumstances. 


Accenture numerical reasoning test

The Accenture numerical reasoning test often asks candidates to solve basic arithmetic or interpret charts and graphs in multiple-choice questions. We will take a detailed look at both types of questions in this test.

Basic arithmetic questions

These questions often include word problems about mathematic scenarios for candidates to solve. These questions are mostly at the level of high school maths. You should prepare a calculation by your side when answering these questions.

Let’s look at an example of a basic arithmetic question:

Answer: A


The key here is to understand the meaning of the percentages:

"44% of the tested pills pass the 1st phase" means 44% of ALL pills produced past the first phase.

"70% of the tested pills pass the 2nd phase" means 70% of pills that have passed the 1st phase continue to pass the 2nd phase.

Continue and eventually, we are left with 1.15 million pills qualified for packaging and sale. Therefore, to calculate the initial number of pills being produced, we must divide the 1.15 million by the percentages:

1,150,000/85%/35%/70%/44% = 12,550,475 (pills).

Graphs and charts questions

These questions often ask you to interpret graphs and charts and apply your interpretation to solve questions. These questions often require basic calculation and can easily be done if you can read the graphs/charts thoroughly.

Here is an example of a graphs and charts question:

Question: How many miles were traveled between 11 am and 1 pm?

A. 35 miles
B. 0 mile
C. 125 miles
D. 80 miles

Answer: A


The miles traveled between 11 am and 1 pm was 80 - 45 = 35 miles.


Accenture logical reasoning test

The Accenture logical reasoning test often has questions in form of sequences of illustrations and asks candidates to identify their rules to figure out the next illustration. This type of assessment can also be called inductive reasoning and is used widely in testing candidates’ decision-making and abstract reasoning.

To pass this test, it is best to become familiar with all types of rules in inductive reasoning questions. We recommend you check out our Inductive Reasoning Test course that covers all types of rules with numerous practice questions and detailed explanations for each.

Let’s look at an example of this question type:




To figure out the right option, you need to specify the elements and the rules of the sequence

  • Elements: There are two elements: A long fixed line in the middle of the circle, a short line
  • Rules: There is one rule: Rotation - The short line rotates one-eighth part of the circle clockwise each time

So the next figure has the short line sit at the middle left.


Accenture job simulation test

The job simulation test of Accenture consists of 2 main parts: The situational Judgement test and the Work Personality Questionnaire. In this test, you should answer based on your applied position and Accenture’s 6 core values: Stewardship, Client Value Creation, One Global Network, Best People, Respect for the Individual, and Integrity.

Part 1: Situational Jugdement test (SJT)

The SJT often has scenarios in the workplace or business-related contexts for you to choose your preferred reactions. These questions are mostly multiple-choice, asking you to choose the most or least effective solutions for solving the scenario. However, sometimes they can also ask you to rank the reactions based on your preference.

The most difficult aspect of this test is that there would seem to be no wrong answers. However, the right option will differ based on the applied jobs. With that being said, you should always stay alert for the answers that best benefit your position.

Here is an example of a situational judgement question:


You are working for an international bank and your current placement is in a high street branch. Today you are working as a cashier. The role involves helping customers with whatever they need, looking for opportunities to sell new products and services, and ensuring everyone experiences great customer service. An elderly customer comes to your desk. He explains that he is going on holiday next month and is a little worried about taking a lot of cash with him but he tells you he doesn’t trust cash machines abroad. He is obviously worried about the upcoming trip and he tells you that despite his concerns he wants to order the foreign currency and take it all with him. The area he is visiting will have plenty of cash machines he can use but there are other alternatives the bank could offer in relation to foreign currency. On top of that, he is talking about quite a lot of money to be traveling with.

Select the most and least effective responses in this situation:

Explain to him that there are many cash machines in the area he is visiting and offer to order limited currency for the initial part of his trip.
Accept that he is unlikely to want to use cash machines and use that as an opportunity to explain some of the other options that are available to him.
Ask him what he had done in the past when traveling abroad and explain that if he would like, you could explain to him what other options are available.
Tell him that the holiday sounds great then explain the process for ordering foreign currency from the bank and ask him how much he would like to order.

Source: Picked

Answer: C is the most effective and D is the least effective.


C is the most effective response: It is advised to have a personal touch in customer service. The customer is worried about his trip, so asking him about something he had done would bring a familiar sense of experience, which would help him feel calm and secure. When he is in that state of mind, it is much easier to communicate and persuade him using other suitable options.

D is the least effective response: Option D doesn’t let the customer choose his preferred method and might make him feel restrained and not listened to. Furthermore, the customer has stated clearly that he is worried about taking a lot of cash with him, so this option does not really solve any of his problems. 

Part 2: Work personality questionnaire

This assessment type often has 2 forms: Normative and Ipsative

The Normative form is the most commonly used by recruiters. It contains statements for candidates to rank based on their extent of agreement.

The Ipsative form is considered to be more effective in terms of detecting the true nature of candidates than the Normative form. It requires candidates to choose among given statements the ones that best or least describe them.


Accenture communication assessment test

The communication assessment test of Accenture is a speaking test, focusing on candidates’ ability to verbally use English. You can easily pass this test with good listening and speaking skills.

There are 6 main types of questions in this test:

  • Read out loud: There will be 8 sentences displayed on the screen for you to read out loud in 20-30 seconds. This assessment tests your ability and speed in reading. 
  • Repeating sentences: The test will give you 16 audio sentences to repeat out loud. This test aims to evaluate your listening skills and pronunciation. 
  • Jumbled sentences: You will listen to 10 jumbled sentences and re-arrange them into complete sentences. For example, the audio might speak “the computer, I use”, you need to answer by saying “I use the computer”. 
  • Answering questions: This part is similar to a conversation, as the test will ask 24 easy questions for you to answer. Your answer should be limited to 1 or 2 words only. This test aims to capture your flexibility in communication.
  • Re-tell a story: You will listen to a short story twice, and then re-tell it in your own words in 30 seconds. To ace this part, you need to have good memorizing and paraphrasing skills as well as fluency in speaking. 
  • Open questions: This part is somewhat like an interview, where you will be answering a question related to HR in 1 minute. This assessment tests your ability in demonstrating ideas and flow in communication. 


Accenture technical tests 

Since Accenture is an IT company, applicants for engineering or IT positions will have to take technical tests to showcase their specialism. That means these tests will vary based on your applied position and profession.

There are 3 main types of questions used by Accenture in their technical tests: Pseudo code, Network security and cloud, and Basic MS Office application,

Type 1: Pseudo code

This assessment requires you to figure out a result from a given code or write a code based on provided requirements. This type is reported to have around 18 to 20 questions.

Here is an example of a pseudo-code question:

Question: Create a quiz that asks “What is the best subject?”.

If the user guesses Computer Science they get 1 point and a suitable message. If the user guesses anything else they see a message saying they are wrong. The user's score is output at the end of the quiz.

Answer: A possible code might be:

Source: Falinge Park

Type 2: Network security and cloud

This test asks about your knowledge of network security, from its objectives to how to perform certain tasks related to the topic. You should prepare yourself with knowledge in terminology, application, and maintenance in network security.

Type 3: Basic MS Office application

This test asks for your understanding of using common tools in Microsoft Office like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc. In particular, Accenture will ask you to perform several tasks in those applications. This assessment can have mediate and advanced levels based on the applied job. 


Frequently asked questions

1. Can I apply for Accenture again after failing?

Yes, you can reapply for Accenture if not succeeded the first time. However, you have to wait for 6 months after your last digital assessment or interview to reapply. In that time, gain experience and new qualifications to show how much better you have got in comparison to the last application.

2. What is the passing score for Accenture assessment tests?

It is reported that you need to have around a 60% mark on your Accenture tests to pass the hiring round. Noted that there is no negative marking in these tests.

3. How long does the application round take?

Accenture stated that it normally takes 10 to 15 minutes to complete an application.

4. Can I apply for multiple positions at Accenture?

Yes, you can apply for more than 1 position at Accenture. However, the company advises candidates not to apply for multiple jobs at the same time, and to stay focused on perfecting their application for 1 vacancy at a time.

5. How long does it take to hear back from Accenture after the interview?

It can take from 1-2 weeks to 2 months for Accenture to inform your result. Nevertheless, there hasn’t been any official record of the waiting time. Typically, the process of background checking takes the most time. 


Pass Accenture assessment tests with MConsultingPrep

Passing the Accenture assessment tests requires outstanding numerical and inductive skills. Previous Accenture candidates have advised that you should spend 1 to 2 months preparing for these tests. While it may sound like a long period, you can only make the best use of it by using qualified practice materials.

To help you with that, MConsultingPrep has developed exclusive packages for the Numerical Reasoning Test and Inductive Reasoning Test. In these packages, you would find hundreds of practice questions with detailed explanations for each. So far, our materials are among the most standardized and competent practice prep in the market, supporting numerous candidates to get into their dream companies.

If you want to have a sneak peek at what the tests might look like, check out our free Numerical Reasoning Test and free Inductive Reasoning Test.

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