Cappfinity assessments: Guidelines & Practice Examples

Cappfinity (Capp) is a leading company in strengths-based assessments, providing hiring solutions for various sectors with more than 200 organizations and millions of individuals. Talent solutions from Cappfinity range from online assessments, and interview platforms, to job simulations. Among these services, top companies commonly use Cappfinity Tests, including the famous KPMG, EY, and Deloitte.

This article will provide deep insights, free practice questions, and preparation guidelines to help you ace the tests!

What are Cappfinity assessments?

Cappfinity assessments are used by hiring companies to measure their candidates' cognitive ability (numerical, verbal, and critical reasoning skills) and behavioral strengths. Cappfinity tests are not timed, but the duration still contributes to your result.

Through the tests, recruiters can gain a better insight into candidates’ potential as an employee, ensuring they hire the top talent among a large applicant pool. Some notable clients of Cappfinity are KPMG, Deloitte, and EY.

Depending on different domains employers want to assess, Cappfinity assessments are categorized into 4 main types:

  • Numerical Reasoning Tests: assess your numeracy skills and the ability to interpret numerical data.
  • Verbal Reasoning Tests: focus on your verbal comprehension and understanding of written language.
  • Critical Reasoning Tests: measure your ability to process and reason through an argument to arrive at a logical conclusion.
  • Behavioral Tests: assess your workplace problem-solving skills, behavior, and attitudes.

The next part of this blog will cover each test type's purpose, question format, and specific features, so stay tuned!


Cappfinity numerical reasoning test

Cappfinity numerical reasoning questions give you a graphical or tabular dataset from which you have to reason and interpret relevant information to reach a possible answer. The tests are untimed, but your test duration will be recorded as a criterion to assess your performance.

Questions in Cappfinity numerical reasoning tests vary in format: multiple-choice, type, and ranking. Multiple-choice and ranking questions are pretty simple, requiring you to pick the correct answer or place options in order. Meanwhile, type questions ask you to insert the answer manually, increasing your chance of making mistakes.

Here is an example of what you can expect in a Cappfinity multiple-choice question:

Source: Cappfinity

How many late deliveries occurred in total across the two suppliers with the most late deliveries?

A. 732
B. 639
D. 697
E. 436

Answer: A


The two suppliers with the most late deliveries are Supplier C and Supplier A.
The total of late deliveries of the two most late suppliers is: 395 + 337 = 732.

So, the correct answer is A.

Data Interpretation question is always among the most taxing assessments, as there is various information to sort out in one table or chart. Thus, beforehand practice is necessary to ace Cappfinity numerical reasoning questions.

MConsultingPrep provides hundreds of interactive questions similar to Cappfinity actual tests, with step-by-step explanations and practical study guides from the most common test publishers.

Let’s try out our free practice test beforehand!



Cappfinity verbal reasoning test

Verbal reasoning tests from Cappfinity focus on your language proficiency and the ability to process and interpret written data. The exams also have no time limit; however, your time taken will be measured. There are 5 different styles of Cappfinity verbal reasoning questions, including:

  • Drag and drop: matching response to given statements.
  • Completion: fill in the blank with a suitable word.
  • Ranking: place statements from most to least positive about your suggestions.
  • Dropdown: select the best option from a drop-down list.
  • True/False/Cannot Say: decide the accuracy of statements based on a given passage.

Let’s take a look at how a Cappfinity verbal reasoning question will be:

Source: Cappfinity

Answer: Except


Except means to exclude something. In the passage, “all students demonstrated a real engagement” apart from one individual who “did not appear interested in the subject.” The word “accept” means to allow or approve something or someone, which is irrelevant in the context.


Cappfinity critical reasoning test

In Cappfinity critical reasoning tests, you will be presented with a short text followed by a conclusion. Your job is to determine whether this conclusion derives from the premises by selecting one of the 2 default options: “Conclusion follows” or “Conclusion does not follow”. Like other Cappfinity tests, you have to control the completion time on your own as this assessment is untimed.

Let’s try a typical question from Cappfinity critical reasoning tests:

Source: Cappfinity

Answer: Conclusion follows


The passage mentions, “After two years of trading, the Telecoms division became the first to be profitable…”. Therefore, we can infer that until 1994, there had not been any profitable division.

Critical reasoning tests have the same approach as deductive reasoning tests, as they both require you to analyze given facts. The slight difference is that deductive reasoning asks you to infer from general premises, which is more challenging than just examining one argument (Critical reasoning). Therefore, practicing deduction can also help you progress in critical reasoning tests.

Here at MConsultingPrep, training materials include a vast collection of deductive reasoning questions, with thorough explanations and practical study guides to help you nail every question!



Cappfinity behavioral test

Cappfinity behavioral tests (formerly known as Cappfinity situational strengths tests) ask you to rank options based on your likelihood of responding or rate a statement to the point that accurately depicts you by sliding the selector. The tests assess your alignment with the company’s culture and expectations by considering your workplace behavior and personality.

Source: Cappfinity

There is no right or wrong answer for Cappfinity behavioral questions; however, each response can represent a different personality type, one of which will be perfectly compatible with the recruiter’s needs. Let’s figure out what each option above tells the employer about you:

  • Option A: This response shows your proactiveness to the project; however, it is also important to take others’ suggestions into account.
  • Option B: You’re open to new ideas, but immediately accepting can narrow your time for other stuff if the discussion isn’t worth it. Consider what your colleague is about to discuss beforehand.
  • Option C: You know how to prioritize tasks by scheduling a meeting with your colleague, but somehow showing your eagerness to hear from them will be optimal.
  • Option D: Though working on your own helps manage your project better, you should listen to other people's opinions to get new ideas and avoid missing out on important things.

Another question type is rating statements based on their consistency with your personality. Here is a sample interface of this format:

Source: Cappfinity


Practice Cappfinity aptitude tests with MConsultingPrep 

Aptitude tests from Cappfinity can be daunting as they measure cognitive abilities (numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, and critical reasoning), which are beyond any acquired industry knowledge. However, hard work and regular practice can improve the required skills for the tests.

To help you sail through this tough challenge, MConsultingPrep gives you a wide range of simulation tests with thorough explanations and tried-and-true study guides. With our practical training materials, you can master the needed skills for any strengths-based assessments, not just those from Cappfinity!

You can have a look at our practice tests here to see how our tests work: 


Frequently asked questions

Are Cappfinity tests hard?

Yes. Cappfinity tests challenge many candidates with various question formats, requiring a wide range of skills and techniques. Moreover, Cappfinity tests can be adaptive as the questions become harder when you progress. 

Is Cappfinity tests timed?

Cappfinity tests are untimed, which is a double-edged sword. You can manage your pace more efficiently; however, this can be time-consuming when there is no limitation and your time taken is measured.

Which companies use Cappfinity assessments?

Cappfinity tests are widely used in various industries, with some notable clients such as:

  • Deloitte
  • KPMG
  • EY
  • DHL
  • HSBC
  • Legal & Partner
  • Primark
  • Grant Thornton
  • Barclays

What is the passing score for Cappfinity tests?

There is no fixed benchmark for Cappfinity tests. The passing score depends on the hiring company, specifically the number of candidates taking online tests and the job vacancies available. One thing to notice is that your completion time will be a factor in determining your chance of getting hired.

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