BCG Casey/Online Case Chatbot: 9 Proven Tips & Free Trial

BCG Online Case Chatbot is a challenge candidates must ace to join BCG.

This article provides 9 tips to help you succeed in the test, divided into 3 phases: practice, last-minute preparation and during the test. Follow these BCG Casey tips to boost your chances with a consulting career. 

A free trial of BCG Casey Simulation is also introduced, so keep reading!


BCG Casey Chatbot Overview

BCG Casey Chatbot is an online test used by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) as part of their recruitment process. 

It simulates a traditional case interview, where you work through a business problem.

However, instead of taking an interview with a person, you interact with a chatbot in a conversation format. 

During the test, the chatbot will ask you a series of questions about a business case, and you need to respond as if you were having a chat.

You have 30 minutes to complete the test and cannot pause once you start. 

The BCG Online Case looks at how you solve problems, how clearly you explain your thoughts, and how much you know about business.

Check out BCG Casey’s free trial to get a practical view of the BCG Casey online chatbot.

BCG Casey Simulation (source:


Five tips to practice BCG Casey Chatbot

Five tips to practice BCG Casey Chatbot

Tip 1: Study problem-solving methodology

To do well in the BCG Chatbot interview, you need to understand the problem-solving methodology

This structured approach is essential for tackling complex business challenges, much like a consultant's roadmap. Knowing this method will help you understand the logic behind each case and approach the test more effectively. 

Specifically, It helps you break down the problem, analyze all the data, and come up with the best solution. 

You can start by learning some “signature” terms such as:

  • Problem: the challenge that client is facing or an objective. 

  • Root cause: the most underlying reason that triggers a problem and often has a lasting impact.

  • Issue tree: a tool that helps break down problems.

  • Hypothesis: an idea you test to see if it's true.

  • Solution: action to solve problems based on root cause analysis.

  • MECE: Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive - a way to make sure all parts of a problem are covered without overlapping

Want to practice more? Check out Case interview end-to-end secret programs to learn more about case interviews from experts.

“Signature” terms of problem-solving methodology

Tip 2: Build a strong business base

Having a good understanding of how business works can give you an advantage.

Whether you have a business or non-business background, here are some ways you can improve your business knowledge.

Four areas of business knowledge to learn for BCG Casey

  • Get to know accounting & financial terms

Accounting and financial terms are often referred to as the language of business. They are used to show the financial performance of a company and appear a lot in BCG online tests.

The three basic financial statements are the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow Statement.

The Balance Sheet provides a snapshot of the company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time.

The Income Statement records the company’s performance over a period of time, showing revenues, costs and profits.

The Cash Flow Statement tracks the actual cash moving in and out of the company and is divided into three sections: operating activities, financing activities, and investing activities.

Three basic financial statements to learn

To have a better understanding, you can search each term on the Internet (for example: NYS CPAs). Knowing to interpret these terms, you can diagnose a business’s health and make informed decisions. It also forms a strong foundation for tackling case interviews.

  • Review business frameworks

A framework is a structured tool used to understand a situation better. This can help you solve the structuring question in BCG Online Case. Common frameworks that consultants often use are profitability, 3C&P, McKinsey M&A, etc.

However, frameworks are not rigid formulas. The key is to grasp the main ideas of each framework and adjust them to the specific case you're facing.

  • Understand business functions

Since consultants work across different areas, it’s better that you understand the basics of marketing, sales, and other business functions. 

It's not just about knowing what these functions do; you should also understand the important decisions they make, the problems they often face, and how they help a business succeed. 

The more you know, the better equipped you will be to come up with the best solutions when it matters.

  • Gain industry-specific knowledge

BCG cases can be about lots of different industries like tech, food, and government. So, learning about these industries with its unique characteristics will make it easier for you to crack the case.

It sounds kinda overwhelming, right? 

To enhance your business intuition, MConsultingPrep offers six comprehensive topics on various business problems.

Additionally, you can stay updated with the latest business insights by reading case studies, business news, or reports from BCG or McKinsey.

Tip 3: Learn to filter data quickly

During the test, you will be given various datasets, charts, and tables full of information. This can be overwhelming because not all of the data is important. 

The key is to quickly find the relevant information that will help you make good decisions, or we call it “filter data”. Here is how you can do it:

  • Understand what problem you’re trying to solve before looking at the data. This will help you focus on the information that matters.

  • Master your reading speed through skimming and scanning. Skimming means quickly looking over the text to get the main idea, and scanning means searching for specific information or keywords.

 This helps you spot hidden clues and avoid information overload to make smart decisions.

Two guidelines for data filtering

Tip 4: Brush up on your math skills

While they aren't extremely difficult, the math questions in the Casey test are more challenging than those in the interview, especially due to the time pressure.

Make sure you’re comfortable with math terms in English, especially if it’s not your first language. Also, understand and know how to apply basic math concepts such as percentages, ratios, fractions, and weighted averages.

MConsultingprep offers 500+ numerical reasoning questionnaires, which can help you brush up on these basic math skills in a clear and easy-to-understand way.

Tip 5: Practice mental math skills

The BCG test demands quick thinking, and strong mental math skills will be very useful when you’re short on time.

Mental math skills are when you do math in your head without using a calculator. It helps you quickly solve problems and make estimations without writing anything down.

If you're not confident in your mental math abilities, try out the Comprehensive Math Drills package. It includes online tools for practicing calculations and offers detailed consulting-related math exercises.


One tip for last-minute test preparation

Tip 6: Ensure your set-up

Set up checklist for last-minute test preparation

Before starting the test, make sure your internet connection and computer are working well. If your internet or computer stops working during the test, you might not get another chance to take it. Some past test-takers said they failed the test because their internet stopped working during the video recording question.

Also, keep a pen, paper, and calculator nearby. This will save your time during the test. 

It is best not to use a calculator on the computer. You'll have to switch between tabs or windows often. This might make it harder for you to concentrate and double-check your work. In the worst scenario, you might accidentally close one of the windows.


Three tips during the exam

Three tips when taking BCG Online Chatbot

Tip 7: Don't stuck yourself in one question for over 3 minutes

You have around 30 minutes for 8-10 questions, so you only have about 3 minutes for each question on average. 

If you get stuck on a question for more than 3 minutes, use the "best guess" option and move on to the next one. There might be easier questions later that you can answer with confidence.

Sometimes it is better to answer most of the questions, even with a guess for some, than to spend all your time on just a few.

Tip 8: Note down key points after each question

After answering a question, jot down key points or important information. This can be helpful because BCG Casey Chatbot might ask questions that build on each other. Some questions might need you to collect data from earlier questions in the same case. 

Plus, taking notes can also help you keep your thoughts organized and make sure your answers follow a logical order.

Tip 9: Speak like a consultant (for video recording question)

When answering video recording questions, imagine you're a consultant presenting your findings to a client. This means using structured and top-down communication

You can have a look at “Pyramid Principle" - an effective communication model developed by McKinsey. It involves starting with the main point or conclusion first, then presenting key arguments or reasons and finally backing up your arguments with data.

Pyramid principle in communication

Keep a professional tone and maintain good posture and eye contact with the camera. This shows your style as a ‘real consultant’.

You can even prepare a short closing script to feel more confident during the test.


Practice with MConsultingPrep (New free trial)

BCG Casey Simulation

Our BCG Casey Simulation can help you ace the BCG Casey Chatbot with confidence.

We offer fifteen Casey-style cases similar to those you'll encounter in a BCG Casey interview. Besides, each case comes with a detailed guideline, helping you understand what's expected and providing practical tips on tackling each question type effectively. 

We also provide a free trial of BCG Casey. You can try it before purchasing BCG Casey Simulation.

Case interview end-to-end program

Want to build up a consultant-like mindset? At MConsultingPrep, we have Case Interview End-to-End Secrets Program

This comprehensive program equips you with tips and techniques to tackle a case as well as practical exercises focused on the 6 most common questions in case interviews, across various industries and sectors.

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