CCAT Assessments: Overview and Practice Tests

Criteria Corp Cognitive Test (CCAT) is an aptitude/ psychometric test measuring candidate’s cognitive abilities. In this article, we’ll break down every test type in the CCAT and explore what to use for best practice.

What are CCAT assessments?

CCAT – Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test measures candidates’ learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills (50 questions under a time limit of 15 minutes). This test has 3 types of questions: Verbal, Math and Logic, and Spatial Reasoning. During the test, English is the only language used, and calculators are NOT allowed. Some leading employers using CCAT in their hiring process include Crossover, Vista Equity, Lambda School, etc.

CCAT is published by Criteria Corp, which is a reliable assessment provider in Los Angeles. Since its establishment in 2016, the company has provided more than 25 million tests across 60 countries. 


CCAT math & logic test

CCAT math & logic test usually includes 22 questions, assessing candidates’ fundamental algebra skills and the ability to solve word problems. The questions may involve proportions, averages, and percentages, graphs, tables, ratios, etc. NO calculators are allowed. You need to apply mental math skills to pass the test.

Here are some math & logic from the real CCAT:

Source: CCAT

Answer: 120

Explanation: The number of customers the cashier can ring up in eight hours: 15 x 8 = 120. 

This type of question is called Word Problem. Word Problem questions are indeed calculation questions with short contexts, which involve addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. Within our Numerical Reasoning Test Pack, we provide a range of Word Problem questions (easy to hard levels). There are no other ways to improve your speed except by practicing.

Source: CCAT

Answer: E

Explanation: The pattern should be an upside-down triangle followed by a triangle. So, the question mark should be replaced by an upside-down triangle.


CCAT verbal test

Read more: What is a Verbal Reasoning Test?

CCAT verbal test typically contains 17 questions, challenging candidates to identify a word’s correct meaning, recognize relationships between words, and select appropriate words in specific contexts.

For both native and non-native English speakers, it’s necessary to get familiar with different question types in CCAT. If English is not your first language, your English should be properly improved to pass this verbal test.

Here are some verbal questions from the real CCAT: 

Source: CCAT

Answer: ESTEEMED is to SEEDY

Explanation: The relationship between DELUSIONAL (not based in reality) and GROUNDED (based in reality) is antonym because the two words have opposite meanings. So we need to find a pair of words that also has opposite meanings, and that is ESTEEMED (respected and admired) is to SEEDY (bad and terrible).

This type of question is also an analogy question requiring you to identify the right relationship (bridge) between words. Keeping practice will help you spot the correct word relationships faster. Luckily, our free verbal practice test does include this question type – let’s give it a try!

Source: CCAT

Answer: repulsion

Explanation: “repulsion” means pushing each other away, while “allure” means being attractive.

Source: CCAT

Answer: supercilious .. insolence

Explanation: “supercilious” means showing other people that you’re better than them; “insolence” means showing a lack of respect for other people.


CCAT spatial reasoning test

CCAT spatial tests typically include 11 questions, requiring you to flip or rotate objects in your head, spot patterns and find the odd one out. These spatial reasoning questions measure your innate aptitude and the ability to learn, solve problems, and leverage new information properly.

Source: CCAT

Answer: C

Explanation: All four options A, B, D, and E have a quadrangle in the center. Only option C contains a square in its center. So, the one that does not belong is option C.


Which companies use CCAT assessments? 

CCAT assessments are trusted by hundreds of employers around the world and used for high-level positions in technology, real estate, banking, and even nursing.

  • Crossover
  • Lambda School
  • Equity Vista
  • Hirebridge
  • EAB
  • Cvent
  • Apteam
  • Finastra
  • Tibco
  • Powerschool
  • Infoblox
  • ICIMS/ Mindbody
  • Smuckers
  • Beachbody

Practice CCAT assessments with MConsultingPrep 

After months of research on popular test providers (including Criteria Corp), MConsultingPrep has designed verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning mock tests. Our unique selling point is that these practice questions are comparatively difficult compared to other products on the market. Plus, you’ll get the A to Z approach to verbal and numerical reasoning tests with our in-depth study guides into specific assessments.

What’s more, we keep updating the number of questions – you pay once, you’ll have lifetime access to the question bank. MConsultingPrep aims to help candidates get through any verbal/numerical tests.

We do offer some free questions so that you get what our tests look like. You can also check our Aptitude Test package for more resources.



1. How are CCAT assessments scored?

In CCATs, each correct answer gets you one point. When the test is completed, your employers will receive your raw score – the number of questions you answer correctly (x/50) and your percentile – how your results compared with those who take the test (eg: 70%). If you score 70%, your result is better than 70% of people who have done the test.

2. How can I answer all 50 questions in the CCAT assessment?

15 minutes for 50 questions mean that you have less than 20 seconds to answer a question. Pretty challenging, huh? However, don’t you worry too much.

According to Criteria Corp, less than 1% of test takers answer all 50 questions and candidates get 24 questions right on average.

Source: Criteria Corp

It’s worth noting that CCAT assessments have no penalty for wrong answers. As under heavy time constraints, you’re better off spending 30s for one question. If you cannot solve one, just make a guess and move on.

Moreover, Criteria Corp does suggest raw score ranges based on specific positions such as Analyst, Administrative Assistant, Computer Programmer, Accounting/ Finance, etc. Find more information below. 

3. Are CCAT and UCAT the same?

The UCAT (Universal Cognitive Aptitude Test) is a shortened version of the CCAT assessment, which is also provided by Criteria Corp. It covers math and logic, spatial/ abstract reasoning, not including verbal.

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