Philip Morris Assessment: Overview, Guides & Free Tests

Thinking about landing a job at Philip Morris International (PMI)? This guide is here to help! 

We'll walk you through everything you need to know about PMI’s online assessment - the second round of its recruitment process. 

This post covers two main test types, namely the personality test and the aptitude test, including numerical, verbal, and inductive reasoning tests.

We also give you some insights into test platforms such as SHL, Saville, and Hogan.

To help you increase your success rate, we provide practical guidelines and tips for PMI assessments and recommend free practice tests from MConsultingPrep. 


Introduction to Philip Morris International 

A big tobacco company from America 

Philip Morris International (PMI) sells tobacco products like cigarettes in more than 180 countries.

It is sometimes called as part of Big Tobacco, which means it's one of the really huge companies in the tobacco industry.

Four rounds of PMI’s recruitment process 

PMI's recruitment process, like that of many other big companies, includes four rounds: online application, online assessments, video interview, and assessment center. You will have about a 4-week waiting time between rounds.

Round 1: Online application

The online application is the first stage. Here, you need to submit your CV and answer some questions to determine if you're a good fit for the job.

Round 2: Online assessments

After the online application, you may be invited to take assessment tests. There are two main types: aptitude tests and personality tests.

Round 3: Video Interview

If you pass the second round, you will be invited to a video interview with a Philip Morris International manager.

Round 4: Assessment Center

The final round is the assessment center, where you will complete tasks, meet managers, undergo interviews, and showcase your skills. This is the last step before they decide whether you get the job or not.

Philip Morris International recruitment process


Philip Morris International aptitude tests

Philip Morris International aptitude tests consist of three types: numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, and inductive reasoning tests. 

These tests come in different formats and time limits depending on the test provider, which is usually SHL or Saville. Different tests are used for different job applications to match the specific skills needed for each role.

Philip Morris International aptitude test types

PMI numerical reasoning test

Philip Morris International's numerical reasoning test checks how good you are with numbers and how well you think analytically. 

They give you questions that relate to their business and the industry they're in. You get about one minute to answer each question.

The topics can be anything from simple math like addition and subtraction to trickier stuff like percentages, averages, ratios, and even financial stuff. The test's difficulty changes based on the job you're applying for.

This test is like other numerical reasoning tests you might have seen before. It includes two main question types: word problems and data interpretation.

Word problem

Word problem questions involve calculations based on short scenarios. You get just enough data to solve the problem, without extra distracting information.

These multiple-choice questions often include distractors—options that are very similar to the correct answer or that result from common mistakes.

Example of word problem question (Source: MConsultingPrep)

Correct answer: B. $2,882.35

Explanation: Climbers save 15% by buying the complete set instead of separate tools. This means that the cost of the set is equal to 100% - 15% = 85% of the total costs of separate tools.

Therefore, the total cost of buying all tools separately is $2,450/(100% - 15%) = $2,882.35

Data interpretation

You might get tables, graphs, and charts with numbers and be asked to find information from them. If you're applying for a job that needs you to analyze or make decisions with numbers, you should practice these questions.

Example of data interpretation question (Source: MConsultingPrep)

Correct answer: C. 26%


The growth rate = (The number of students in year (T+1) - The number of students in year T) / The number of students in year T

The average annual growth rate = Sum of the growth rate/No of years The total number of students in 2017 - 2018 = 290 + 140 + 90 + 50 = 570

Given 10% reduction in the next 1 year, the total number of econ students in 2018 - 2019 = 570 * (1 + 0.1) = 627

The growth rate from 2016-2017 to 2017-2018 = (570 - 400)/400 = 42.5%

The growth rate from 2017-2018 to 2018-2019 = 10%

The average annual growth rate = (42.5% + 10%)/2= 26.25%

B is the closest value because 26% is close to 26.25%

PMI verbal reasoning test

Philip Morris International's verbal reasoning test checks how good you are with words and how well you think critically. 

They give you paragraphs to read, usually about 250 words long, and these paragraphs talk about topics related to jobs or industries.

After reading each paragraph, you have to decide if a statement about it is "true", "false", or if you "cannot say" based on the information in the paragraph.

  • Choose 'True' if the statement is correct according to the passage.

  • Choose 'False' if the statement is incorrect according to the passage.

  • Choose 'Cannot Say' if the passage doesn't provide enough information to decide.

Example of verbal reasoning question (Source: MConsultingPrep)

Correct answer: TRUE

Explanation: It is stated in the paragraph that when played at a low intensity relative to background noise, all three types of sound reduced pain sensitivity in the mice. The adverb "Surprisingly" and "did not expect that" have the same meaning.

PMI inductive reasoning test

Philip Morris International's inductive reasoning test is designed to measure your ability to think logically and solve problems. It's a bit like a puzzle-solving game.

In this test, you're given a series of patterns, shapes, symbols, letters, or sentences, and you have to figure out the rules or patterns behind them. Then, you apply those rules to a new situation or set of shapes to find the correct answer.

This helps Philip Morris International understand how well you can think creatively and logically, which is important for many roles within their company.

Example of inductive reasoning question (Source: MConsultingPrep)

Correct answer:



There are two elements: white and black circles.


There is one rule: alternation

The number of black and white circles alternates between two and one each time.

So the missing figure has one white circle and two black circles.


Philip Morris International personality test

Philip Morris International's personality test doesn't require prior skills or specialized knowledge. It delves into who you are, how you think, and why you make decisions, both in professional and everyday scenarios. 

The questions explore your personality, behaviors, and preferences, helping Philip Morris International assess your fit within their organization.

Example of PMI Hogan personality test (reconstructed interface)


Three main test providers of Philip Morris International 

Philip Morris International uses three main test providers: SHL, Saville, and Hogan

SHL and Saville offer aptitude tests, with each provider used for different job tests depending on the role. 

Hogan provides the personality test, helping to assess candidates' traits and fit within the company.

Philip Morris International test providers

PMI Saville aptitude test

The Philip Morris International aptitude test provided by Saville consists of 3 sections: numerical, verbal, and inductive reasoning tests.

Each section has questions that start easy and get harder as you go along. You'll encounter tasks related to numbers, words, and patterns.

It usually takes about 2 hours to finish all the sections.

SHL Verify interactive test

Philip Morris International uses aptitude tests from SHL, known as the SHL Verify Interactive test. It often lasts 36 minutes and includes 24 challenging questions covering numerical, inductive, and deductive reasoning.

In the numerical part, you'll tackle complex tables and graphs, testing your ability to handle data

Example of SHL numerical reasoning test (Source: SHL)

For the inductive section, you'll play with abstract shapes, applying rules to figure out patterns. 

Example of SHL inductive reasoning test (Source: SHL)

Lastly, the deductive part involves organizing schedules and calendars by dragging and dropping items.

Example of SHL deductive reasoning test (Source: SHL)

PMI Hogan personality test

Philip Morris International uses a personality test called the Hogan-style test, provided by a company called Hogan

This test helps them understand three important things about candidates: what they want in life, how they plan to achieve it, and what might get in their way

By answering questions about these topics, candidates show Philip Morris International what motivates them and how they handle challenges. This helps the company decide if someone is a good fit for different jobs.

Example of Hogan personality test question (reconstructed interface)


Practice guidelines and tips for Philip Morris International assessment

What to practice?

  • Basic math and data reading skills

To prepare for the Philip Morris International numerical reasoning test, it's good to brush up on your basic math skills, just things like percentages, ratios, fractions, and basic calculations. It's about the level of math you might see in a basic high school exam.

One way to practice is by working through online examples of GCSE math questions. These are the kinds of questions teenagers in the UK might tackle for their exams.

  • Focus on patterns and look for common changes

First, when practicing and during the actual test, pay close attention to the patterns between the diagrams they give you. Start by crossing out the answers that definitely don't match the pattern.

Second, try to remember several common types of changes in the shapes or patterns. By practicing recognizing these, you'll be faster to spot them during the test

  • Focus on the logical flow and information in the passage

To practice for the Philip Morris International verbal reasoning test, it's important to focus on understanding the logical flow of the text. 

When answering questions, only rely on information that's in the passage. Sometimes, questions might try to trick you into using your own knowledge instead of what's written in the text.

Practice guidelines on what to practice

Where to practice?

First of all, you can get access to Philip Morris International’s test providers’ websites to look for some practice tests. Philip Morris International has 3 test providers namely: Saville, SHL, and Hogan.

Besides, you should also look for aptitude test simulations to get familiar with each test type.

How to practice?

  • Start with the test you are weakest and most mentally tiring

When practicing for tests, start with the one you're weakest in. This gives you more time to improve your performance. 

Also, begin with the test type that you find most mentally tiring. By tackling the tougher one first during practice, you'll have more energy and focus. Then, move on to the less mentally exhausting test afterward. 

This strategy helps you manage your time and effort effectively while preparing for the assessments.

  • Focus on the test type that has the highest weight in total score

This can help you increase your overall score and your chance of passing the test.

  • Practice an appropriate quantity of practice tests

To prepare well for the Philip Morris International tests, you should aim to practice at least 5 to 10 practice tests. This helps you get used to the test format and the kinds of questions they ask. 

For an even better preparation, aiming for 15 to 20 practice tests is ideal. This ensures you understand all sorts of question types and difficulty levels. 

If you're really serious and have the time, going for 20 to 30 practice tests can be even more beneficial. This extensive practice allows for thorough preparation, and you can review your answers to understand any mistakes you make, maximizing your chances of success.

Practice guidelines on how to practice


Recommendations from MConsultingPrep

To prepare for the Philip Morris International online assessment, consider trying the Aptitude Test Package offered by MConsultingPrep. 

The package covers numerical reasoning tests, verbal reasoning tests, inductive reasoning tests and deductive reasoning tests. We also provide free trial tests for these test types. 

This package includes 500+ numerical reasoning questions, 350+ verbal reasoning questions, 400+ inductive reasoning questions, and 240+ deductive reasoning questions. All questions have detailed answer guides with formula explanations and solutions. 

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